"Design Thinking Data Strategy"

Most of the data strategy initiatives put data as the focal point of the strategy. Focusing on the data may sound like the right thing to do, but it’s not!

The design thinking approach starts with the business objectives as the focus and works backward to architect the right set of data and platforms. We take an iterative approach for the data using rapid prototyping and improvement.

We craft the road map for data entities, platforms, visualization, and analytics based on the iterations of the business priorities.


Comprehensive Data Strategy services include:

Custom services and solutions built specifically for your business

Data Architecture

Using the principles of Design Thinking, translate the business strategy and vision to the building blocks of a solid data framework. The components and road-map will include modern customer hub, data lake, data pipelines for real-time and batch processing, data catalog, governance, and API for data access.

BI/Analytics Framework

The aim of the BI/Analytics framework is to empower everyone who interacts with data including your internal users, suppliers, vendors, and clients for their information needs. The framework based on Auradigm’s Xplora.ai platform makes it simple for users to interact with information and/or create/share new content.


Traditional organization design assigns specific roles to people. In the modern world, with an increasingly cross discipline approach to problem solving, the traditional approach to data/analytics organization will be inefficient and ineffective. We combine data/AI ops, agile methodologies, and design thinking to enable the right operating structure and processes.