Our approach to
Insights and Analytics

Ever heard of the Dvorak keyboard, which is superior to the QWERTY keyboard? What happened to the Dvorak keyboard can happen to analytics initiatives too even though your analytics initiative is superior to what the organization traditionally had. Marginal improvements, organizational inertia, and lack of empathy during ideation among other factors will cause failure. Transforming raw data to a ‘business moment’ takes several non-linear steps and multiple organizational units and people with different skill sets to work together. We at Auradigm have a unique way of solving this with our ‘Xplora.ai’ platform.



Despite the availability and use of several business intelligence and insights tools, many organizations struggle to gain user adoption and do not realize the full potential of data and insights. Companies often embark on initiatives to migrate or consolidate tools to increase user adoption. The number of tools available in the data and analytics space is increasing every day, making it difficult for organizations to pick the right set of tools. Using its “Xplora.ai” platform, Auradigm provides a unique way to increase the generation and consumption of insights in the enterprise.


To generate tangible and sustainable value from your data and analytics, your organization will need people with expertise in data engineering, AI-based data quality, operations, data analysis, data science, analytics translation (storytelling and business change management). Effective and efficient data analytics programs are a team sport. We bring the engineering, analytics, operations, and business together on our innovative “Xplora.ai” platform.